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National Youth Corps

The National Youth Corps (NYC) is a scheme implemented by the Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Ministry of Youth affairs and Sports, Government of India, to tap the potential of the youth and channeling their energy towards nation building.

The scheme is being implemented since 2010-11, amalgamating the existing two volunteer schemes namely National Service Volunteer (NSV) and Rashtriya Sadbhawana Yojana (RSY).

Every year, 13,206 volunteers shall be deployed in the country. Two volunteers will be deployed in every block of districts in which NYK is functional.


  • To set up a group of disciplined and dedicated youth who have the inclination and spirit to engage in the task of nation building.
  • To facilitate the realization of inclusive growth (both social and economic).
  • To act as points for dissemination of information, basic knowledge in the community.
  • To act as group modulators and peer group educators.
  • To act as role models for the younger people specially towards enhancement of public ethics, probity and dignity of labour.


  • Minimum 18 years and maximum 29 years as on 1st April of the year of registration
  • Education qualification : - Minimum class 12 th pass
  • Preference in selection may be given to the following :
    • Candidates having higher educational qualification and knowledge of computer application and aptitude in social work and voluntarism.
    • Member of NYKS affiliated Youth Clubs in general and members of Mentor Youth Clubs in particular.
  • Students who have enrolled themselves as a regular students are not eligible for deployment under the scheme, keeping in view of the nature of their full time assignment.
  • Participation of weaker sections such as SC/ST community will be encouraged and 50:50 gender ratios should be maintained to the extent possible.

Role of NYVs

  • Each NYV has a major role of catalic agent between youth clubs and development departments.
  • Each NYV has to prepare Youth profile of his/her block
  • Each NYV is required to be IT Savvy. Further NYVs should have the capability of preparing report/documentation of youth program and upload online. NYC should also know about preparing reports for media/news statement. Each NYV should know the using of required mobile Apps (for example Digidhan, Digital India etc).
  • Formation of New youth clubs, activisation of defunct youth clubs is the major task of each volunteer.
  • Organizing NYKs regular and special programme with the help of Youth clubs.
  • Guiding and motivating youth clubs members for involving themselves in community development programmers
  • Recommending active/ dedicated members of youth clubs for Skill training, international youth exchange programme etc. of Nehru Yuva Kendra
  • To maintain records of programmers conducted by youth clubs.
  • To submit regular reports / online reports highlighting their work on regular basis.
  • Maintain liaison with development departments and youth work agencies in the block/ district.
  • To attend meetings regularly, at concerned Kendra.


Volunteers will be paid an honorarium of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) per month (inclusive of TA) for their period of engagement, up to a maximum of two years (including the period of trainings). The monthly honorarium will be calculated on the basis of online attendance marked by the concerned Kendra. 

How to apply

The concerned District Youth Coordinator of Nehru Yuva Kendra will issue advertisement in local daily news papers (in local language) having larger circulation, generally in the month of February. Applications may be invited through online or offline.

To know the complete guidelines, click here.

Source : Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan

ಕೊನೆಯ ಮಾರ್ಪಾಟು : 11/22/2024

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