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Women Entrepreneurship Platform

The Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) is a first of its kind, unified access portal which brings together women from different parts of India to realize their entrepreneurial aspirations. It is an initiative of NITI Aayog.

About the platform

The initiative is aimed at building an ecosystem for women across India to realize their entrepreneurial aspirations, scale-up innovative initiatives and chalk-out sustainable, long-term strategies for their businesses.

The platform aspires to substantially increase the number of women entrepreneurs who will create and empower a dynamic New India. These aspirations are manifest in the three pillars on which WEP is built:

  • Ichha Shakti (motivating aspiring entrepreneurs to start their enterprise)
  • Gyaan Shakti (providing knowledge and ecosystem support to women entrepreneurs to help them foster entrepreneurship)
  • Karma Shakti (providing hands-on support to entrepreneurs in setting-up and scaling up businesses).

WEP aims to address the bottlenecks faced by both aspiring and established women entrepreneurs by streamlining information across government and private sector schemes and initiatives.

An informative, interactive website - https://www.wep.gov.in/ acts as a dedicated resource and knowledge base for women entrepreneurs.

Services offered

In addition to providing services such as free credit ratings, mentorship, funding support to women entrepreneurs, apprenticeship and corporate partnerships; WEP will encourage entrepreneurs to share their entrepreneurial journeys, stories & experiences to nurture mutual learning.

WEP platform, as a driver of change, will also promote offline initiatives and outreach programmes to promote entrepreneurial spirit among potential women entrepreneurs, in collaboration with partner organizations.

Partners of WEP

WEP is to operate within a broader framework of industry collaborations and partnerships, which cut across sectors in the economy. To view the list of partners involved, click here.

Source : https://www.wep.gov.in/

ಕೊನೆಯ ಮಾರ್ಪಾಟು : 7/1/2024

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